Wednesday, 29 June 2011

how to creat smoke image in photoshop, Creating Smoke-like Effects

Creating Smoke-like Effects

In this tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to create subtle smoke-like effect. Whether you want to add steam, mist or vapor to your photos, you'll definitely be putting this tutorial to good use from now on! Try it, the possibilities are endless!
Step 1
Open an image and create a new layer of it (Smoke Layer).

Step 2
Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and create an abstract shape that looks similar to the example shown below. Fill it with white (or any colors you wish your smoke to be).

Step 3
Now, to create the wavy smoke effect, go to Filter > Distort > Wave and set values as shown below:

Step 4
After you have used the Wave filter, you can go to Edit > Fade > Wave and set the opacity to 50% when the dialog box pops up.

Step 5
Repeat this distort and fade method for a few times to achieve the best results.

Step 6
Next, use the Smudge Tool (R) to reshape the smoke so that it looks more diffused and as if it is billowing out from the coffee beans (as shown below).

Step 7
Duplicate the Smoke Copy layer. Ctrl+Click on the layer to select it and go to Select > Modify > Contract: 7 pixels.

Step 8
Invert the selection (Ctrl+Shift+I) and press delete. It should have created a softer smoke effect now as compared to the other layer.

Step 9
Adjust the opacity of Smoke Layer to 70% and Smoke Copy Layer to 50% before merging them. This will help soften the shape further.

Step 10
Duplicate the layer again and resize it. Ctrl+T to transform and click on the Warp tool to reshape the smoke.

Step 11
Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, set radius : 3 pixels. 

Set the layer opacity to 80%.

Step 12
To add more smoke on the beans, create a new blank layer and draw a shape around it using the Lasso Tool (L).

Go to Select > Feather > 15 pixels.

Step 13
Fill it in white and use the Eraser Tool (E) to reshape the smoke

Set the Smoke Copy Layer opacity to 80% and flatten the layers together.

This is the final image. Have fun trying it over a cup of steaming hot coffee!

Before & After

how to creat animal head with humanbody. Splicing and Composing Photo Elements to Create Artwork

Splicing and Composing Photo Elements to Create Artwork

Use simple Photoshop tools and a combination of images to create vivid photoreal images. This style of image is very effective within the advertising and branding designs. This tutorial will show you how to compose an image using human and animal photographs.

1. Once you have your chosen image in black and white on a plain white background, apply a levels adjustment layer and use the sliders to create to darken the model, once you are satisfied with the colour merge the layers into a single layer by selecting layers > merge layers. Repeat this step for your wildlife image.

 2. Drag your wildlife image onto the same document as your original model image. Add a new layer and paint out the human head, then overlap the animal head layer and change the opacity to 50% so you can see the human body underneath. Use the free transform tool by selecting edit > free transform this will allow you to alter the scale and rotate the animal head to fit with the body. Now apply a layer mask and use the brush tool to make the transition between the head and body smooth.

3. Select the body layer and use the rectangular marquee tool to isolate the neck area. Then select filter > liquify, check the "activate show backdrop" and set the opacity to 50%. Now using the apply forward warp tool with a big brush size, pull the neck area to fit around the animal head.

4. Now you have done the main bulk of the image it is time to add the little details. Here I have added a butterfly that has been altered to match the same colour and contrast as in step one. Drag your new image onto your original one and use the free transform tool to make the new image proportional to your original one.

5. The final step is to create a good composition and add any last effects or features. You can use a series of pictures and text to add to the image. I have used this awesome brush set urban scrawl (which can be downloaded for free at to create a background city scene, I added the brushes on individual layers and resized them to give the right depth of field. I also added the photocopy filter at a very low opacity to the model to make it fit better with the illustrative background.

how to creat painting in photoshop, Human creative painting, how to create desing pictures

Human creative painting

today in our tutorial will be practicing some painting. And in general - the idea can be realized in very small period of time. So I'll doing a head of some human, but it isn't really a human, you'll see.

So let's get started with this one.

 I'll fill my background with this orange color and create a new layer after that. I'm going to fill my layer with Cyan to transparency gradient.

And here is the result of all this.

Now I will change layer mode for my gradient layer; from normal to linear light.


I've also overlaid my whole picture with black to transparency gradient with opacity set to ~ 40%.
So now I'm going to grad a smudge tool.

And do what the smudge tool magically des. You just smudge the pixels.

It really reminds me of a hair of some kind Well, if that hair let's paint a face. Create a new layer, grab a round basic brush and begin painting g the pars of the face.

Now I'm beginning to render the ear of the character. This is maybe not a good choice, because all the elements must be rendered at a time, but anyway.

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